Cabello dañado

Damaged hair

Damaged hair

Hair products for repairing damaged hair: shampoos, masks and packs.

Filters and sort

Products exclusively developed to repair damaged, dry, dehydrated or weak hair . You will get visible results in a short time.

Hair repair treatments

They are the best products to recover and repair damaged hair thanks to a formulation composed of ingredients with high moisturizing power, nutrients and vitamins such as:

  • - Green Caviar

  • - Cotton capsules

  • - Polysaccharides, sterols and proteins, nutrients to restore hair vitality.

  • - Panthenol, Vitamin E, Oligosaccharides and Phytokeratin

In addition, all the products in the repair range have been developed with 0%: without sulfates, without salts, without silicones, without dyes and other toxic substances to care for the hair while we recover its vitality and hydration.

Thanks to their non-toxic formulation, they are products to recover damaged hair but can be used on a daily basis .