Egg shampoo - 5000 ml

Yes, most shampoos contain sulfates. Those that do not contain sulfates are usually identified: 0% sulfates.
They have high cleaning and foaming power.
The most common sulfate surfactants are sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium laureth sulphate (SLES), and sodium coco sulphate (SCS).
The biggest difference with a regular shampoo with sulfates is the sensitization for the scalp. Sulfate shampoos have high foaming and cleansing power, and sulfate-free shampoos are less irritating for sensitive scalps. There are already other sulfate-free shampoos on the market but they are low in viscosity, foam and washing power. Our 0% shampoo with a sponge texture and high viscosity, achieves a much softer foam, with finer and smaller air bubbles giving the sensation of creamier foam, obtaining extreme softness and cleanliness on the hair.
Utilizo este champú en mi salón de peluquería ya que se obtienen muy buenos resultados: limpia el cabello en profundidad y lo deja suelto y con brillo respetando siempre el cuero cabelludo. Además, mis clientas están muy contentas con el olor, la experiencia de lavado resulta muy agradable. Es uno de los productos que más utilizo para lavar el cabello de mis clientas, totalmente recomendable.