French straightening treatment

Yes because it does not modify the color and the straightening result is the same.
What is recommended is that a couple of weeks should pass between dyeing and treatment.
Yes because it does not modify the color or the result of the straightening.
It is recommended that a couple of weeks pass between one treatment and another.
It is recommended to first apply the French straightening treatment and allow a couple of weeks to apply the SBS treatment, since the iron is involved in both methods of use, but SBS is a hair health treatment, so it must be applied always after French straightening. Thus, the hair subjected to straightening is nourished and regenerated. However, applying SBS and then French straightening is not recommended, since it is always better to give health to the hair after a straightening treatment.
NO, you have to use a few minutes of blow-drying, although it will not be necessary to use an iron for the final finish.
Japanese straightening is a permanent and totally irreversible straightening treatment. It is based on a chemical alteration of the structure of hair keratin and acts in a similar way to traditional perm liquid. It requires very careful application, so it is preferable to trust professionals to apply it, since due to its radical action, the slightest error produces irreversible damage to the appearance and quality of the hair. A permanent straightening is obtained, but it usually has a not very natural appearance and without any volume.
However, French straightening is the most innovative and avant-garde of straightening treatments and achieves a balance between the quality of the straightening, its duration, the hair treatment itself and the ease of its application. It does not chemically alter the internal structure of the keratin (as is the case with Japanese straightening) so its duration is not permanent, although it can last up to 6 months. Its application method is simple although laborious, it can take between 3 and 4 hours, so it is recommended to go to a professional hairdresser. The treatment is not aggressive and the hair also acquires shine, nutrition and straightening with immediate effects. The result is a very natural-looking straightening, and only a few minutes of blow-drying are necessary after each wash to give the hair the desired straight look. The prices of the service in professional hairdressers range from 60 to 180 euros.
Brazilian straightening with keratin is a type of treatment that offered good results in the quality of the straightening, but had the drawback of being formulated with a high percentage of formaldehyde, which is a harmful substance and when subjected to high temperatures, due to its Ironing releases toxic fumes. By eliminating formaldehyde, this treatment has become a way to avoid frizz, since the application of keratin does not produce straightening effects.
However, French straightening is the most innovative and avant-garde of straightening treatments and achieves a balance between the quality of the straightening, its duration, the hair treatment itself and the ease of its application. It does not chemically alter the internal structure of the keratin (as is the case with Japanese straightening) so its duration is not permanent, although it can last up to 6 months. Its application method is simple although laborious, it can take between 3 and 4 hours, so it is recommended to go to a professional hairdresser. The treatment is not aggressive and the hair also acquires shine, nutrition and straightening with immediate effects. The result is a very natural-looking straightening, and only a few minutes of blow-drying are necessary after each wash to give the hair the desired straight look. The prices of the service in professional hairdressers range from 60 to 180 euros.
The treatment can be done again after 6 to 8 weeks, depending on the quality of the hair.
Lo recomiendo mil por mil.
Sin duda lo volvería a comprar
Tenho o cabelo liso, mas rebelde. Após a aplicação do tratamento, que é muito fácil de aplicar, o meu cabelo ficou muito sedoso e com um aspeto saudável.
Todavía no le he realizado
Para mi pelo mejor q otros .PROBLEMA Q SE VENDE EN TODOS LOS SITIOS y no puedes ofrecerlo ya q ellos se lo hacen en casa y les sale muy económico por lo q tendré q comprar uno q solo venda a salones .Ya lo siento
Yo tengo el pelo ondulado marcado y teñido,la verdad esque no daña el pelo sino lo contrario. En mi opinión esta bien pero no te deja un alisado perfecto,a mi me lo dejo muy suave y con menos volumen.